Listing Rule 5.43 Information

ADX Energy Ltd refers to ASX release dated 30 May 2019 regarding Final Drilling Approvals Received For Iecea Mica-1 and confirms that in respect of previously disclosed resources for Romania (ASX announcement 11/7/2018 (contingent and prospective) and 20/3/2019 (prospective)), that ADX is not aware of any new information or data that materially affects the information included in that previous market announcement and that all the material assumptions and technical parameters underpinning the estimates in that market announcement continue to apply and have not materially changed.

Results of Meeting

In accordance with Listing Rule 3.13.2 and section 251AA of the Corporations Act, we advise details of the resolutions and the proxies received in respect of each resolution. All resolutions were carried on a show of hands.

Annual General Meeting Presentation

This document has been prepared by ADX Energy Ltd for the purpose of providing an activity update to interested analysts/investors and shareholders.

Final Drilling Approvals Received for Iecea Mica 1

ADX Energy Ltd, further to the Drilling Update on 20 March 2019, is pleased to advise that it has now received all necessary statutory, landowner and environment approvals as well as local government construction permits required to construct a road and well site required prior to the commencement of drilling the IM-1 well.

AGM Presentation Assets and Strategy

This document has been prepared by ADX Energy Ltd for the purpose of providing an activity update to interested analysts/investors and shareholders.

Further Funding for Romanian Appraisal Project

ADX Energy Ltd is pleased to advise that Reabold Resources PLC has subscribed to a further 375,940 ordinary shares in ADX’s UK subsidiary, Danube Petroleum Limited (“Danube”), at an issue price of £1 per share.

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