Parta Appraisal Program Funding Iecea Mare Licence Romania

ADX Energy Ltd further to the ASX announcement made on 11 December 2018 regarding Funding Options for the Parta Appraisal Program, ADX is pleased to announce that Reabold Resources Plc (LSE AIM:RBD) and ADX have agreed to the following immediate funding contributions and future funding options for Danube Petroleum Limited (“Danube”).

Good Oil Conference Presentation

This document has been prepared by ADX Energy Ltd for the purpose of providing information regarding the RAG production asset acquisition to interested analysts/investors and shareholders.

Iecea Mica 1 Well Results & Operations Update

ADX Energy Ltd, is pleased to advise that it is preparing the Iecea Mica-1 Well (IMIC-1) in the Iecea Mare production license for production testing following the evaluation of Pannonian appraisal and discovery zones resulting in a potentially valuable commercial project that has exceeded pre-drill expectations.

Austrian Prodn Asset Update, Strategic Focus & Presentation

ADX Energy Ltd is pleased to provide the attached presentation which is intended to provide Shareholders with a greater understanding of the potential impact for ADX of the RAG Asset acquisition onshore Austria as previously announced on 2 July 2019.

Trading Halt

The securities of ADX Energy Ltd (‘ADX’) will be placed in trading halt at the request of ADX, pending it releasing an announcement.

IM 1 Drilling Update No. 5 Ready to Drill to Well Depth

ADX Energy Ltd, is pleased to advise that the Iecea Mica-1 (IMIC-1) well, at 6am local Romanian time on the 1st of September 2019, located in the Iecea Mare production license onshore Western Romania had reached a depth of 2342 meters.

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