Placement Prospectus

For the offer of 200,000,000 Shares at an issue price of $0.01 per Share to raise $2,000,000 (together with one free attaching Listed Option for every three Shares subscribed for and issued) (the Offer).

Reinstatement to Official Quotation

The suspension of trading in the securities of ADX Energy Limited (‘ADX’) will be lifted immediately, following the release by ADX of an announcement regarding a capital raising.

ADX Secures Funding for Landmark Acquisition Austrian Assets

ADX Energy Ltd is pleased to advise it has binding commitments for a A$5.5 million funding package to settle the acquisition of the Zistersdorf and Gaiselberg oil and gas fields located onshore in the Vienna Basin, Austria (RAG Production Assets) as well as agreements for exploration data and access arrangements from RAG Austria AG (RAG) to RAG’s production infrastructure in Upper Austria as announced on the 2 July 2019.

Voluntary Suspension Extension

ADX Energy Ltd (the Company or ADX) hereby requests an extension of its voluntary suspension of its securities pending an announcement regarding a capital raising/funding arrangements, primarily for the RAG oil and gas production asset acquisition in Austria (announced on 2 July 2019).

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