Oil Capital Conference London Presentation

This document has been prepared by ADX Energy Ltd for the purpose of providing information regarding the RAG production asset acquisition to interested analysts/investors and shareholders.

Quarterly Activities Report September 2019

ADX has made significant progress during the quarter to further implement its strategy to transform from an opportunity driven explorer into a strategically focused production and exploration company

121 Oil & Gas London Presentation

This document has been prepared by ADX Energy Ltd for the purpose of providing information regarding the RAG production asset acquisition to interested analysts/investors and shareholders.

Share Purchase Plan Prospectus Despatch

ADX Energy Ltd confirms that the Share Purchase Plan (SPP), as announced on 14 October 2019, was opened on 18 October 2019, and the SPP Prospectus and Application form (SPP Offer Documents) were mailed to Shareholders today.

Appendix 3B

New issue announcement, application for quotation of additional securities and agreement

Prospectus Share Purchase Plan

For the offer of 150,000,000 Shares at an issue price of $0.01 per Share to raise $1,500,000 (together with one (1) free attaching listed option for every three (3) Shares subscribed for and issued (Listed Option) (Offer).

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