ADX Board Renewal – Appointment and Resignation

ADX Energy (ASX: ADX) is pleased to announce the appointment of Mr Edouard Etienvre to the Board of ADX. Mr Etienvre is located in London and has extensive commercial, business development, debt market
and capital market experience providing ADX with an excellent focal point for future investment from the London and European debt and equity markets.

ADX Board Renewal Appointment and Resignation

ADX Energy is pleased to announce the appointment of Mr Edouard Etienvre to the Board of ADX. Mr Etienvre is located in London and has extensive commercial, business development, debt market and capital market experience providing ADX with an excellent focal point for future investment from the London and European debt and equity markets.

High Impact Work Program for Parta Area in Romania

ADX Energy Ltd, is pleased to advise that an extensive, firm work program is planned in the Parta Area during 2020 including production testing of the recently drilled Iecea Mica-1 (“IMIC-1”) well, feasibility studies to optimally commercialise gas from IMIC-1 and drill the Iecea Mica-2 (“IMIC-2”) appraisal well in the Parta Sole Risk Area. In parallel, ADX is finalising planning and regulatory approvals for the acquisition of 3D seismic in the surrounding Parta Exploration license and high resolution 2D seismic acquisition in the Parta Sole Risk Area.

Pause in Trading

Trading in the securities of the entity will be temporarily paused pending a further announcement.

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