- At the Gaiselberg and Zisterdorf oil fields, operations, engineering & exploration teams successfully transfer to ADX
- Upgrades to facilities get underway to improve reliability
- Developed reserves confirmed by Independent Auditor and further development opportunities identified with new state of the art seismic data over fields
- Negotiations commence with Authorities to secure appraisal and exploration acreage in prolific Molasse basin in upper Austria. ADX to become only the second exploration operator in Austria
- ADX decides to exit Tunisia due to low investor interest and inability to improve fiscal terms for Dougga gas project.
- Flow test operations begin at the Iecea Mica-1 well in Romania
- ADX takes its first major steps towards becoming a European focussed producer, developer and explorer with the purchase of long-life producing Gaiselberg and Zistersdorf oil fields in Austria
- ADX becomes one of only three production operators in Austria. A multi-disciplinary management, technical and operations team is established in Vienna, Austria
- ADX becomes licensed to operate both production and exploration in Romania
- Efficient and safe drilling of a successful Iecea Mica -1 (IMIC-1) appraisal well is carried out in Romania
- ADX secures farmout to fund drilling and seismic work programs at Nilde Oil Field Redevelopment offshore of Italy
- A moratorium on oil and gas operations in Italy delays activities
- Farmout and funding discussions for Dougga appraisal are ongoing with multiple parties however the drop in oil price suppresses farminee interest
- Reabold Resources PLC invests in Danube to fund appraisal activities in Romania
- Onshore in Romania at the Parta license there is ongoing operational planning, environmental approvals and licensing in order to commence operations during Q2 2019
- 2017 sees a major focus on Nilde and Dougga, both of which are potential company makers in their own right
- Excellent progress is made in Romania with the Parta Appraisal Project secured in the Iecea Mare production license. ADX capitalises on the availability of 3D seismic in the Iecea Mare license where two excellent gas redrill opportunities are identified
- The establishment of Danube Petroleum Limited (Danube) as a UK incorporated private investment vehicle enables ADX to secure the capital to drill one well in 2018
- The management, finance and administration team is further streamlined with a corporate and finance function developed in Australia
- The Nilde Oil redevelopment project is ready for farmout and / or project formation. The project represents an excellent commercial opportunity
- Feasibility work commences on large Dougga gas condensate discovery
- Targeting and assessing production and reserves development opportunities continue onshore in Romania
- The leadership team is strengthened with the appointment of Paul Fink as CEO, Ian Tchacos as Executive Chairman and Amanda Sparks as Joint Company Secretary
- A data review of license d363 C.R–AX including the abandoned Nilde oil field and three undeveloped satellite oil discoveries reveals potentially significant light sweet oil resources in highly productive reservoirs and shallow water worthy of further detailed evaluation
- A 3D and 2D seismic permitting campaign on the onshore Romanian Parta blocks continues and discussions with potential farminees recommences in anticipation of the pending ratification of the Permit’s work program extension
- ADX commences in house studies on a new permit offshore of Sicily
- Onshore in Romania (Parta Permit) the focus is on seismic permitting and preparation for additional 2D and 3D seismic acquisition
- The seismic acquisition campaign in the Parta license permit onshore in Romania is completed
- Positive results from high resolution seismic data not utilised before in the area, show substantial previously unrecognised prospectivity and identifies dual gas and oil target prospects
- A feasibility program gets underway offshore of Tunisia at the Dougga and Lambouka gas discoveries with the potential creation of a gas hub development. The proposed programme includes; drilling follow up appraisal well at Dougga and testing at Lambouka
- ADX drill the first deep water well in Tunisia - the Lambouka gas discovery well
- Pre-feasibility studies begin at the Dougga gas field
- Drilling begins at Sidi Dhaher an onshore exploration well in Tunisia
- A concession agreement for 1,221 km2 Parta exploration permit in Romania is signed
- The acquisition of an onshore seismic programme in Romania gets underway
- AuDAX Resources Limited demerges gold and base metal assets (Riedel Resources Ltd) and changes its name to ADX Energy Ltd
- The company and board changes from people with minerals expertise to a team of experienced oil and gas specialists
- ADX Energy Ltd is born
- ADX acquires a state of the art offshore 3D seismic program in Tunisia.